Forbes Identifies the Top 4 AI Trends for the Future

23 Sep 2020 10:17 AM | Anonymous

COVID-19 has brought to light the crucial role that AI will play in the future in order to fight the current outbreak and others that may come.

There are four main trends that we will expect to see in the future:

Smarter Big Data Analytics and Insights:

With COVID-19 we understand the urgency to analyse and interpret data on the spread of the virus. With AI creating a dedicated search engine we will be able to search through all the COVID-19 related documents in order to analyse the relevant data. 

There’s also ongoing plans to develop AI solutions to deal with the backlog of further medical issues where treatments have been affected as resources are being diverted to help fight COVID-19. 

Automated Detection and Prevention:

Drones are being used in the US to monitor whether people are following social distancing rules. Further plans for drones include the capability to detect COVID-19 symptoms within a group of people and facial-recognition features in order to see if people are avoiding quarantine.

Business on the rebound - predicting behavioural transformation:

Online companies such as Amazon have grown massively since COVID-19. Amazon's sales were up by 40% in the second quarter compared to the same period last year. Therefore, companies are urgently seeking to adapt online. Self-service access to technology will become increasingly prevalent throughout 2021.

Shutting down the next pandemic before it can start:

The Toronto based AI BlueDot’s feature issued an alert about a potential outbreak in Wuhan on the 31st of December 2019.  For AI to become more effective and reliable at detecting the next pandemic, a global effort is needed.

Read the full article here -

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