The FT: Apple’s New iPhone Poised on Threshold of 5G Era

12 Oct 2020 1:17 PM | Anonymous

Apple is expected to reveal that the new iPhone will have 5G.

Apple is already late to 5G technology as their rivals Samsung and Huawei have already introduced 5G phones. 

The launch of the new iPhone has been delayed since September due to COVID-19 supplier issues. The pandemic has increased sales for Apple, enabling their stocks to rise by 53% this year.

However, their stocks could take a hit as 5G enabled phones cost between $30 and $100 in the market right now. In 2012 when Apple first adopted 4G, they experienced a 10% decline in gross margins according to Pierre Ferragu, an analyst at New Street Research.

Apple is expected to take precautions in order to reduce this hit. The new iPhone could be released without wall chargers or earphones which will reduce costs on components and shrink packaging, enabling them to ship more units. 

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