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Open Talent Forum - Service Providers Embracing Open Talent

  • 15 Jul 2021
  • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM


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At the last Open Talent Forum, we discussed the potential for outsourcing to be disrupted by human cloud models and we spoke to Connor Heaney from CXC Global on how they make open talent work in a compliant way. Attendees of the session said it would be useful to hear from an outsourcing service provider on how they are embracing open talent.

This time we’ll be speaking to George Gallant, an expert in crowdsourcing and talent-as-a-service models who is currently an outsourcing expert at Wipro. Wipro acquired Topcoder in 2016 as part of their Apirio acquisition and have integrated the Topcoder model into their offering for the past 5 years.

George will share how Topcoder works, what the differentiator is, how it’s been integrated within Wipro, how clients are adopting it, what the benefits and challenges have been, and we’ll also take a look at how the service is likely to develop as human cloud models gain increasing momentum and marketplaces become ‘enterprise ready’.

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