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GSA Symposium: Responsible Automation and The Future Work

  • 1 Dec 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Virtual


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Our industry is currently facing a global talent crisis. Automation must be seen as a key solution, freeing up skilled people to be repurposed across organisations. Are service providers automating enough to enable them to better deliver the increased volume of transformation projects required? 

This session will look at the speed of adoption of automation and the impact this is having on the future of work. What roles are being automated out and what new roles do organisations need to reskill for. We need to move on this today if we are to be able to deliver to the required programs of change.

This panel of experts will discuss how we can achieve great things with automation, but remain responsible, upskilling instead of displacing jobs.

Speakers include:

  • Terry Walby, CEO at Blue Prism Ventures
  • Tremaine Richard-Noel, Head of Emerging Technology and Intelligent Automation Programme Director at Northampton General Hospital Trust (NHS)
  • James McLeod, VP EMEA at Faethm (a Pearson Company)
  • William Harris, Group Chief Digital Officer, IQ-EQ
  • Tony McCandless, Chief Technology Officer EMEA, Blue Prism

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