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start up exchange programme

The GSA has heard time and time again from our enterprise buyers that they want to partner with smaller, innovative businesses but they don’t know how to find them. So, we listened! The GSA is excited to announce its partnership with GSOS (Global Sourcing Optimization Services), a US-based boutique advisory firm focused on assisting unique start-up/early-stage companies involved in bringing digital innovation through intelligent automation to enterprises worldwide. This industry first partnership will bring a portfolio of 12 innovative tech start-ups to GSA members in the form of an Intelligent Automation Exchange (IAE) – all of which are disrupting sourcing with leading-edge technologies.

A huge range of sourcing related processes are being reimagined and radically improved by digital innovation through the use of AI/Intelligent Automation. Benefits include:

  • addressing rampant inflation through predictive costing/pricing,
  • optimising supplier bidding processes, costs and risks through suggestive bidding,
  • direct, easy, fast & secure sharing of any size/type of file without a need for side boxes or drives
  • dramatically reduce the time, costs, resources and risks associated with supplier contracting,
  • using AI & Blockchain to ensure sustainability of your suppliers and supply chains,

The GSA, together with GSOS, is really excited to be introducing our members to our portfolio of 12 proven companies that are all revolutionising critical aspects of sourcing as part of the IAE and to show you the new art of the possible in sourcing thanks to latest digital innovations.


The Intelligent Automation Exchange (IAE) will held on the 6th and 7th of October, you will be able to arrange a 1 hour slot with the start up companies of your choice. If you wish to take part in the Intelligent Automation Exchange and book a slot with one of the start ups in the portfolio, please drop an email to

We will also be holding 1 'lunch and learn' session at 12:00 on each day of the exchange. 

On the 6th October, Thomas Udesen, CPO at Bayer, will share his insights on the Sustainable Procurement Pledge (SPP) movement that is exploding worldwide where procurement professionals are making the pledge to focus on sustainability in their daily lives. Register your place here.

On the 7th Matt Shocklee, CEO and Founder at GSOS and the Socially Responsible Intelligent Automation (SRIA) Initiative, will explain what the initiative is about and how your organization can create economic value through the use of AI; including reskilling of workers to compete for the jobs of the future. Register your place here.

You can view the full recording of the launch event here:

You can view Mike O'Brien, CPO and Head of ContractAI Technology at AppOrchid, and Mel Parekh, VP of Strategic Solutions at AppOrchid, speak about ContractAI here:

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